Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First show accomplished

So the first JOHN WILKES YOUTH show went off without with only a few hitches.

During "Cut Off," I did my best to be "that guy" who rocks out during his band's set. Well during the course of this event, I managed to somehow knock my A-string out of tune so badly that it was registering in the tuner as a G-string. Of course, being the idiot I am I didn't think that my expert (read as: amateur) ear could not notice this.

Two minutes of awkward silence later, we were good to go.

The rest of the set was fine. The usual "first show" fuck-ups, nothing out of the ordinary. I hope you enjoyed the little shake-up during "No Way Out." I have a lot of friends I'm trying to surprise with this, so please shut yo' mouth about it.

Holy crap, is that an entire LOLcat website dedicated to Star Wars?

After us, this band from Virginia called The Misled played and killed it. They're also an awesome bunch of dudes who let us borrow their drums and guitar cab. They sound like a much heavier NOFX with a lot more talent. At least to my ears. But I don't really listen to NOFX.

I also consumed three tallboys of Arnold Palmer and two bags of candy. I believe the term is "sugar high." I get a gold star!

Our next show is on February 6th in New Brunswick with our friends SEASICK, ZHENIA GOLOV, and OUTLAST. Seasick and Zhenia Golov both shred, and Outlast's demo is fucking sweet, so I'm stoked to see them.

That's all I've got for now. We've got demos, stickers, and buttons we're selling for approximately $free.99 but you can only get these things by coming to our shows.

Until next time,

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